Can You Use A Hair Dryer To Defrost Your AC?

When an air conditioning device stops producing cool air, it usually happens due to numerous issues. One of the most prevalent problems is that the evaporator or condenser coils have frozen up. In addition, when your air conditioning device operates, condensation collects on the cooling coils, and it gets frozen by the chilly air flowing through them.

Running your air conditioning appliance with a frosted part can severely harm your machine. Nevertheless, that does not imply you always have to wait for an expert technician for air conditioner repair in Lake City, FL, to arrive and defrost your frosted cooling unit. You can readily perform a quick fix with some primary electrical devices in your household, like a hairdryer.

How to quickly Defrost your Air conditioning appliance at home?

For numerous homeowners in Florida, calling an expert technician for air conditioning service and maintenance can be an added expense. Due to this, many people usually like performing DIY (Do-it-yourself) repairs to defrost their air conditioning appliances.

Here are some quick fixes that you can attempt if your air conditioner appliance has frozen up. (Nevertheless, you must note that these are mere transient fixes, and you must always depend on a professional technician for such repairs.):

  • Use a Hairdryer to Defrost the Air Conditioning Appliance

While you must be amazed to know this, using a hairdryer can be the perfect and the most affordable way to defrost your air conditioning appliance. You can use your regular hair dryer or a blow dryer to defrost the ice accumulation on the evaporator coils.

Nonetheless, you must ensure that you do not operate your hairdryer at a higher temperature, as excess heat can invariably damage the internal parts of your cooling unit.

Moreover, this high heat can further lead to other severe issues or total breakdown of your air conditioning device. In addition, if your air conditioning device unit freezes due to the stack of dirt and debris, it can quickly get resolved using a hairdryer. Nevertheless, freezing occurring due to low coolant or a defective thermostat can only get fixed by a professional specialist.

  • Leave the Machine Intact for Some Time

Another quick DIY you can attempt to defrost your air conditioner appliance is to leave it untouched for around a couple of days or use it only on the fan mode if needed. Doing this will let your endlessly functioning cooling appliance take some to settle down and defrost itself.

All in all, defrosting your air conditioning device at home with the help of a hairdryer or other temporary fix is a fantastic idea that can save you considerable funds. Nevertheless, these DIY repairs usually do not last long, and the issues frequently start occurring that can further damage your air conditioning appliance.


Therefore, it is always prudent to call an expert HVAC professional for air conditioning repairs and services. Furthermore, if you are looking for a trustworthy HVAC contractor for your repairs, replacement, or AC installation in Lake City, FL, feel free to connect with our highly experienced team at Lane Heating and Air.

For more details, contact us at (386) 466-7514 or email us at [email protected] to learn more about our HVAC-related service.

Air Conditioner Problems With Solutions

An air conditioner can trouble its owners a lot during the summer season, and no owner wants to face an HVAC bill that puts extra strain on their monthly budget. In such cases, it is best to try to solve the problem yourself. Here are some common problems that you may face at one point in time:
  1. Water leakage may indicate leveling problems with the air conditioner, clogged drain pipe, or a broken condensate pump. Use a vacuum to unclog the drain pipe and read the manual to better understand the drain pipe structure.
  2. If the water leakage is outside your home, the possible causes may be dirty air filters, malfunctioning AC seal, or a broken condensate pan. Clean the filters and check the condensate pan before contacting a professional.
  3. Refrigerant leaks are not common, but they are not difficult to handle. A small leakage requires you to refill it the right amount, not less and not more, as it may affect the working efficiency of the system. However, if the leak is due to damage to the pipes, you can try to fix the pipes yourself or contact a professional.
  4. Dirty air filters will decrease your indoor air quality and restrict airflow in your home. Remove the air filters, clean or replace them according to the requirements of your system, and start using your air conditioner. Maintain a proper schedule for cleaning your air filters for the best results.
  5. The compressor in your air conditioner may go bad due to no lubrication, dirty coils, and lesser refrigerant levels. Since the compressor is an important part of your air conditioner, you should let a professional handle it.
  6. Frozen evaporator coils are due to restricted airflow in your air conditioner. You can easily unfreeze them by switching off your system, letting the ice melt on its own, and soaking the water using a towel.
  7. The capacitor in your system signals the motor to start working when you switch it on. Power fluctuations and overheating can cause damage to it. Only a professional can tackle problems related to the capacitor as there are chances of getting electric shocks while working with it.
  8. The thermostat detects the required temperature for your home and instructs the air conditioner to cool accordingly. It may face wiring damage or technical issues. Check its wiring connections and ensure its batteries are working properly. You can contact a technician who provides air conditioner repair services in Lake City, FL, to replace your thermostat with a smart thermostat.
  9. Unwanted noises from an air conditioner can be extremely troublesome for the owner and their family. There are various reasons for an air conditioner to make noises, like wiring problems or foreign objects in the ducts, so you should let a professional find the real reason for the noise source and fix it for you.
  10. If the circuit breaker of your air conditioner trips continuously, you can try switching off the power supply and replacing it with a new one. If the problem remains, contact a professional.

Lane Heating & Air is happy to provide you with air conditioner services in Lake City, FL, at affordable rates. Reach out to our customer care desk at (386) 466-7514.

Problems You May Face With An Old Air Conditioner

Old HVAC appliances are a big menace to their owners and the environment. Various air conditioner owners do not wish to contact a technician for AC installation in Lake City, FL, to replace their old system with a new one to avoid the big installation bill. Still, they invite several other problems by avoiding this much-needed replacement. Here is what is in store for you if you are one such owner:

Wear and Tear Damage

It is one of the most obvious and frequent issues with old air conditioners. No matter how much you maintain your old air conditioner, it will face wear and tear damage.
An old air conditioner has several parts that you can replace, but the important ones have no replacement. If the important parts stop functioning yet continue to use your appliance, it will invite unimaginable wear and tear damage to the system.

Lesser Efficiency

Decreased efficiency and damage go hand-in-hand. If one exists, the other one will follow behind soon. Since the air conditioner will face excessive wear and tear damage, it will fail to work efficiently, which means there will not be enough cooling in your home.
If you continue using your old air conditioner, you may notice problems like hot and cold pockets and poor indoor air efficiency. To get comfortable home in the summer season, you need to replace your old system.
Moreover, lesser efficiency means increased energy bills. Your air conditioner will work for more hours to maintain a cool temperature in your home, which will consume more energy, and your energy bills will rise each month.


The two common types of leakages with old air conditioners are refrigerant leaks and ducts leaks:
  • Refrigerant leaks are harmful to the environment as systems built before 2020 have R22 refrigerant, which is harmful to nature.
  • The ducts in your home attached to your air conditioner also grow old with time and develop holes in them that allow condensed air to seep into the walls.

Malfunctioning Fans

The fan present in your air conditioner is responsible for transferring hot and cool air from and in the air conditioner. A malfunctioning fan will result in no transferring of air in your home, leading to inefficient cooling and uncomfortable temperature.

Instead of contacting a professional technician for regular AC maintenance jobs in Lake City, FL, replace your old system.

Wiring Problems

An air conditioner is a big machine, which means it has hundreds of wires. You can somehow replace several parts of an air conditioner, but you cannot replace the wires. Over time, the wires grow old and face extreme damage, leading to short circuits and fire hazards in the worst case. An old air conditioner can cause you several safety risks if you do not replace it timely.

Lane Heating & Air can help you replace your old air conditioner, find the right model for you, and install it perfectly. You can contact us at (386) 466-7514.